Thursday, April 3, 2008

Karate Kid

Where to begin.....

How about here---my brother showed up at the office today. Soon after, I began to suffer from a low blood sugar "episode". My legs were ready to buckle and I was about to get emotional. (It's a side effect!) I'm standing there telling my sister and brother that my legs have the shakes when the next thing I know my brother gets that crazed look in his eyes, grabs my leg with both his hands and pretends to shake it. Before I even knew what I was doing I had lifted my arm and karate-chopped him where the shoulder meets the neck meat! That's a first. It was like an instant reaction, no thinking involved.

I wish you could have seen his face! I think it's safe to say that he was not expecting that. (Nor was I.) As he was letting it sink in that he had just taken a karate-chop blow, I took that opportunity to stand there in amazement and with wide eyes I began to examine the hand that delivered the blow.
Then I collapsed on the floor.

Lesson to my brother: Don't mess with someone who is suffering from low blood sugar. LOL

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