Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Follow Your Nose

A couple of ladies had garlic bread with their lunch today in the break room. Quite the fragrance, believe me. The smell was literally carried throughout the whole office. As I was out and about walking down one of the hallways at work I came across a co-worker who was standing smack dab in the middle of the hall drilling people passing by on whether or not it was them. He stops another co-worker in the hallway and let me tell you, this co-worker looked like he was about to sweat under the spotlight. He quickly sayid, "I had a ham and cheese sandwich, that's all!" I felt like telling the innocent co-worker he didn't have to answer to bossy britches nosiness. Why don't you just follow your own nose rather than stand there and accuse everyone that walks by.

I know who had the garlic today. I just didn't feel the need to indulge bossy co-worker with that tidbit of insider knowledge.

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