Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dive Bomb Bonanza

I truly think the bees in my neighborhood have it out for me. No joke!

After a long day at work, all I can think about is getting home, sliding into something comfy, and relaxing for a little bit. As I pulled up to the house yesterday evening, I gathered all my things from the car and started walking across the yard. I'm halfway across the yard when out of NO WHERE comes this big, black carpenter bee and he dive bombs my head! I tell you truthfully, he was within inches of coming in contact with my head! Needless to say, it freaked me out and I jerked low to the ground in case he was preparing for a second attack. As I stand up and continue my walk through the yard, my senses are on alert for an incoming attack and my heart is pounding. And all I can hear coming from the inside of the house is my mom laughing away and I notice my dad take off from the window. They'd seen it all. Personally, I didn't think it was funny. Just the noise of the carpenter bees wings is enough to get me nervous. I think my dad thought I had tripped on something in the yard as I was walking up but my mom saw it all.

On Sunday afternoon, there was a smaller black bee that was hovering around the front porch where my mom and I were sitting. As he continued buzzing in and out of our range I was hoping that he had finally taken the hint and buzzed off for the last time. Boy was I wrong. Mom went in the house for a minute and as I was sitting alone on the bench I hear that all too familiar "bzzzzz" nearby. I casually glance around and notice he is hovering an inch from my knee. (YES, an inch or less!) I let out a yelp and I can hear my mom inside giggling. I think I was more concerned about him going up my shorts than anything. When I didn't see him after the "yelp" I quickly got up and patted down my shorts, just to make sure that he was not within.

Then on Saturday morning, I was working in the garden and the whole time I was working, there was this little bee that continued to buzz around my head. He wasn't your typical honey bee, he's the kind that makes a little hole in the dirt and burrows down. I figured he'd leave me alone if I left him alone. But oh how hard it was for me to ignore his constant buzzing near my head when all I wanted to do was swat him from the sky. I figured he wouldn't sting me but oh how that constant buzzing puts me on edge.

Ya know, I'm just afraid that one of these days a bee is going to dive bomb my head, get stuck in the curls and sting the top of my head. Then what'll happen?!

Ya, who's laughing now...............

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