Monday, March 31, 2008

The Kozy Shack

The Kozy Shack (aka-my parents room as my brother has so named it with a label from a CostCo box) was anything but cozy this evening! Mom, my sister, and I were in there lounging on the bed relaxing and chatting about tidbits from life when Sash (my dog) came in and laid down by the edge of the bed. The next thing we know, Bella comes flying through the bedroom door, leaps over Sash and jumps onto the bed, SMACK dab on top of my mom's legs. Before Mom can even assess the damage on her legs Bella gets her crazy cow eyes on and slides off the bed backwards trying to figure out what just happened. Every time Bella would make another round to the bedroom my mom would suck in a breath of air and pull her legs up as far as she could in anticipation of what she thought was going to happen again.

Not long after, Dad popped his head in the door and goes off on a recycling rampage! He informed us that recyclable items needed to be cleaned before being placed in the bins. Ummm, talk about random! Let's just say---he felt strongly about his opinion. Mom, Heather, and I were just looking at each other like "What?! Where did that come from?" That was from a conversation almost two weeks ago. He left as quickly as he came and we erupted in laughter. Ol' fella.

And it just gets better. At one point my sister was in the doorway with my dad and Bella for some reason or another and the next thing I know my sister is shrieking, goes stiff as a board, and shuffles her feet back into the bedroom. My first thought was scorpion. We're all looking at her in shock trying to figure out what happened when she yells, "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!" Her description of "it" was something big, black, and prehistoric looking. I thought she was going to have a major meltdown! Dad informed her it was just the mosquito hawk floating around the house. No biggee, it just happened to dive bomb her at that exact moment. Pahhhh! My sister's near breakdown and my dad's impression of her had us all in fits of laughter. He then goes on to tell us that he was playing with the mosquito hawk with his flashlight out in the family room. Boys and their flashlights, do they ever grow out of it?

And yes, as we found out tonight my sister STILL does not do bugs.

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