Sunday, March 30, 2008

Call CSI

This week as I was returning from my lunchtime walk I rounded the corner into the parking lot and stopped dead in my tracks. There in front of me lay a very BIG rib. At first I thought maybe a hawk had gotten its claws on something and picked it to the bone. No matter, I continued on. As I came upon the second rib I started to think it a little strange. By the time I reached the third rib, red with blood, I was very concerned. I was thinking that someone was trying to get rid of the "evidence". I can only imagine the serious and concerned look on my face. With wide eyes I rushed inside to my sister's office and asked her to come outside and look at something. I was so sure my sister was going to have to call the CSI, as I was thinking we had a body on our hands. After examining the ribs, my sister reported back that it was animal. The dried "blood", as I so thought it turned out to be dried BBQ sauce.

Why does my brain jump from Step 1 to Step 10 in the process department?!

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