Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Brotherly Love

Last night as I was lying in bed, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to relax and go to sleep until I changed the station my alarm clock was tuned to. I threw off the covers and reached up to turn my light on. Click, click, nothing. Perhaps I thought it was a fluke and the light really didn't burn out, so there I sat on the edge of my bed going Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click. My common sense was nowhere to be found. From down the hall I hear my brother throw off his covers and the sound of his heels clomping down the hallway. The next thing I know he's got a flashlight pointed in my direction.

Awwww, ain't that just the sweetest?! As I was clearly not with the program enough to reach into my nightstand and pull out my OWN flashlight a mere foot away, he heard the nonstop clicking and came to my rescue.

Where would we be without our brothers?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he wanted to help but honestly Amanda i think he just wanted to get some sleep and he couldn't because of all the clicking haha. have a good one