Sunday, March 30, 2008

Picnic Pants

I DID IT AGAIN!!! I waved at a total stranger out on the road. What is wrong with me?! My sister and I were on our way home from the grocery store when my dad called. He made it sound as though he and my mom were going to be leaving the house at any minute. As we pulled into the neighborhood we made our next to final turn and there coming at us was a white truck, exactly like my dad's. So I did what comes natural to me and I raised my hand, waving it back and forth wildly thinking it was my parents. WRONG. Upon closer examination I found that it was some young gun with dark hair. He wore an amused expression as he drove by, an expression that just about matched my sisters. I wanted to run away. Pahhhh! She just looked at me and said, "Why do you wave at people you don't know, wink-wink?!" (Yes, she actually said the wink-wink, I was surprised she remembered.)

I think my hand has a mind of its own.

Plus, I was wearing my "picnic pants" today as my sister likes to call them. A nice yellow, orange, and red plaid. I doubt I'll ever be able to wear them again after being caught waving at strangers, especially ones that frequent my street. No one forgets the "picnic pants".


Anonymous said...

See comment related to this story posted on original incident entry titled "Awkward".

Once again, thank you for making it possible to be looked/laughed at by the 'young gun'. I laughed all the way home!!! Your exuberance was priceless, that is until you realized you didn't know the dude!

Your sister

Anonymous said...

Yes, at least I'm always good for a laugh, right?! His face said enough. Maybe I need to start cuffing my hands when I get into a vehicle.......

And no more "picnic pants". At least for a good month or so. Tahhh!

Judith Anne