Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Trees Have Eyes

This is what I know: I live in a desert, it is dry and it is HOT. The summer sun leaves no one untouched, including the birds.

I was out watering the thirsty flowers in my garden last night, and between the water trickling over my toes and the light summer breeze it actually felt rather nice. As I was moving the hose from one flower bed to another, I noticed that it got rather quiet and I felt like I was being watched. I quickly looked up to take in my surroundings, expecting to see someone on the street, but all I saw were a bunch of beady little eyes staring straight back at me. The birds were quick to notice that the water was on and it seemed to immediately catch their attention. I casually watched as one by one they came hopping over to my yard, keeping their focus on ME and the water. I turned my back for a few seconds to switch the water to another garden, and when I turned back around, birds were not only in the lawn but they were flocking to the trees above me. I felt like I was being watched by a crowd! The eerie part was that they weren't squawking, singing, or chirping, it was like they were whispering to each other while keeping their beady little eyes on me. I kid you not! It was like they were speaking to each other in hushed tones, and I was the topic of conversation.

Never have I felt so conspicuous in my own front yard as I did last night!

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