Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shifty Eyes

I was in the middle of of typing an email this afternoon when a co-worker walked through the lobby. I began to look busy and continued clacking away on the keyboard, pretending to be quite enthralled with what I was working on. As the co-worker was making their return trip through the lobby I felt like they were watching me and I didn't know whether to make eye contact or to just continue staring at my computer. Such a dilemma, right?! Well, there really was no need for me to be staring at the words coming across the screen, but I still didn't know whether I should look up or continue looking "busy". So there I sat. As my fingers were flying over the keys with that all too familiar clickety-clack sound, my eyes started to dart all across the computer screen! I didn't know where to focus my eyes---on the person or the computer--- and so my eyes made their own decision. They started roaming all over the screen, from left to right, to up and down, and all around. I'm telling you, they probably thought I was going into shock or having a brain tremor as they walked by. (All in the hopes of "looking busy". Pahhhh!)

Next time---just make eye contact and smile.

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