Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Simply Electrifying

My computer is on the fritz again. If anyone with the smallest of electrical charges on their being gets anywhere near my computer you immediately hear a "snap" and then I'm left with a black computer screen. There must be some kind of exposed wire behind the cabinet where the snake of chords lie. (I'm not sticking my hand back there!)

What's crazy is that you don't even have to touch the metal cabinet or metal frame on my desk to get shocked. You might be 2 inches away but it seeks out the electricity and each time someone gets too close I hear that all too familiar electrical "SNAP" sound over the computer speakers and have to wait for my blank screen to come back to life. That's not normal.

I must be static free today because I haven't set it off yet. However, many others have. I've lost count of how many "snap-pops" I've heard today. My sister came out to my desk and as we were discussing it we decided to do a trial run. As I had no static electricity, she got to play the test-dummy. I told her to scuff her feet on the carpet and when she went to touch the desk nothing happened. So, we decided to up the electrical charge. There she was shuffling her feet on the carpet, going around in circles. I tell you, we have more fun when we're NOT working. (Shhhh, don't tell!)

As we were sure we'd built up enough of a charge, she went in to touch the desk and quickly withdrew her hand. Poor lil' pumpkin was a mite nervous. It's like, when our dad would ask us to stick out our tongue and "test" the batteries for him. We knew what to expect and yet we still felt that pent up anticipation of what was to come. (You'd think we'd learn our lesson after the first zinging jolt.) Anywho, when my sister pulled herself together and touched the desk we weren't surprised at what we heard. As I was left with a blank screen, we decided she had quite the electrical field around her.

We now call her---Storm. (From X-Men) Pahhhhhh!

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