Friday, November 28, 2008

Bitter Bite

I got two new puppies this last weekend and despite asking myself WHY afterwards, I am trying to make the best of it, seems as I AM now the mother of twin girls, wink-wink.

I get to experience all the joys of puppyhood all over again, including chewing. Chloe has taken a liking to chewing on the wood along our back porch. Anywho, last night she started chewing on something out back so I got up with the Bitter Bite my sister brought over. It's a liquid that you can spray on objects to deter animals from chewing. It's exactly as it says, bitter bite. Believe me, I know from first hand experience.

I sprayed the area with the Bitter Bite and then I came inside and sat down on the couch with the family. Everything was fine up until a few minutes later when I started to taste something funny on my lips. I then put two and two together. I must have had some Bitter Bite on my fingers and when I touched my mouth............well, there you have it. I had a panicked expression on my face as I turned to my sister and said, "Ohhh, bitter bite!" I jumped off the couch in a frenzy to go wash my hands and face with soap. Apparently you're supposed to wash your hands AFTER using it. Good to know.

I'm a believer. Bitter Bite worked on me.

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