Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boys, Boys, Boys

Why do boys feel it is necessary to lean out their windows, wave their arms wildly, and yell meaningless words in an attempt to attract a girls attention?

A group of boys, who looked to be high schoolers, pulled up next to me at a red light the other day and despite the fact that we were a cars length away it didn't stop them from attempting to gain my attention. Well, they got it. I heard the commotion outside my lowered window and I thought to myself, "What is going on?!" And of course, being the curious person I am, I turned my head and peered to the left. BAM---fuel to the fire I tell ya. Mistake #1- looking in the first place. Mistake #2- looking twice. Mistake #3- giving them a smile.

DESPITE the fact that it was a pity smile and NOT a full fledged smile, they pulled away thinking they were the sauce and congratulating themselves with a high 5 and a slap on the back. What morons. If only they knew they looked like a barrel of monkeys on wheels.

What if the roles were reversed. How would they like it?! (Probably a little too much. Scratch that thought.)


Anonymous said...

Haha man you should know by now they only do that beecause you are soo goodlooking!!!! Too bad your b/f was there to show them what's up! :?)

Judith Anne said...

Tell me about it! When something like that happens, I never know what to do. Ignore? Glance over? Pick my nose to discourage them? Stare back? Pahhhhh!

What's a girl to do?!

Judith Anne said...

....and no, I would NOT pick my nose....hahaha