Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sweet Redemption

I just have to say that after my morning jog with my 4th grade students for the annual Turkey Trot---I feel great! I was starting to have doubts about my running ability after my ordeal with neighbor Ron-Ron. (see previous story "Running with Ron-Ron") Wasn't sure if I could handle running after feeling defeated on those mountain trails. I began to second guess my running skills and felt like the running world as I knew it had been rocked. Pahhh!

No more! This morning we were running along out under the cloudy, rainy sky and I was blowing past moms and dads left and right. I felt like Rocky. (Probably because they were playing that music as we left the gym. I couldn't help but throw out a couple air punches as we made our exit.)

I know, call me pathetic but I feel great. I CAN run just fine, just not on any desert mountain trails............unless of course I was being chased by a bobcat or something. In that case all you'd see is my dust.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not that you can't run...we all knew you could. it's just you were running with people more your skill level....4th graders!!! haha sorry i just had to say it. Love ya!!

Judith Anne said...

Ohhhhh, burn. Are you joining a circus? It seems you like to walk a tight rope, Earl.
