Sunday, August 3, 2008


Truly, it's an epidemic. The gnats are everywhere!

About a month ago my mom bought some soil for replanting a few houseplants, but what she didn't know at the time was that the soil was infested with little gnats. Now we do. These little bugs are the most ornery things alive. They bother you no matter what you are doing. You might be sitting there and all of a sudden you'll see a little black thing fly across your face. If you ignore it, he'll only come back, and this time he'll try to fly up your nose. It's like they want to get into your nose and mouth. They pester you and drive you nutso. I won't say who, due to protecting the innocent, but one family member has already had the unfortunate pleasure of feasting on four or five of them. We're always comparing notes and asking, "So how many gnats did YOU kill today?"

Last week I was down at my sisters house, and as I was sitting on the couch I saw that all too familiar black gnat fly by. I couldn't believe it! At first I thought I'd brought some stowaways with me but my sister explained that she had used some of my moms potting soil before realizing the problem within. So, we're both infested with these annoying little gnats, but we'll wait them out. They can't go on living forever. Right?!

We can't even escape them at work now! Just last week I was working at my desk and it felt like something was tickling my leg. I thought, "Oh no, it's not possible, it can't be a gnat." Oh how wrong I was. Seems as though they are breaking out everywhere. What is going on?!

When I hear someone across the house say, "Got it!", you know exactly what they are referring to and you can't help but smile. We WILL conquer this.

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