Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blackout Giggles

Last night as we were sitting around enjoying dessert we experienced a blackout. I had no idea our house could get so dark! I flipped open my phone and shed some light on everyone while I went hunting for some matches. By the time I found the matches and lit a candle for my mom, my dad had already taken off out the front door with his flashlight to investigate. Of course, me and my curious nose had to follow along.

Outside, Dad was shining his light up and down the street, telling me how 3/4 of our street was without power. So there we were, goofing around and laughing when we heard our strange hermit-like neighbors across the street open their front door and shine one little lone light out onto their porch. Next thing I know, Dad tells me, "Quick, lets hide behind the tree!" As I try to suppress my giggles, I jump in line behind him---just like a couple of kids I tell ya. As we're hiding out, I notice that the neighbors are starting to walk down their driveway and before I know what happens, Dad starts shuffling up the walkway to the front porch while leaving me there with my head poking out around the tree. Of course I'm hot on his heels as I realize he is going to hide behind the front pillar. We were quiet enough that we could hear what Mr. Hermit was saying and we see him shine his light up and down the street taking it all in. Dad starts mimicking his actions and I nonchalantly tap Dad on the shoulder and inform him that he was doing the EXACT same thing not 5 minutes ago. Hahaha! While we were out there playing P.I., I remembered that I was barefoot, it was DARK out there, and there have been a few cockroaches hanging out on the porch lately. As I'm trying not to laugh at my dad's antics and give our position away, I decide it's time to hightail it inside before I step on something squishy. I start tiptoeing to the front door and as I attempt to open the door quietly, so as not to gain attention from the hermits, Dad thought it would be funny to shine his BRIGHT flashlight on me for a split second. The whole front entrance was filled with white light. How could they not see that?! Thanks Dad. At that point I gave up on trying to get in the house secretly and laughed my way in. Neighbors or not, my dad is a hoot! No doubt the hermits saw that one.

Dad went out a little later and when he came back in he said it looked like there were burglars in the house across the street................but it was just the hermits shining their little headlamp around in their living room from corner to corner. No need to panic.

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