Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's a Subway Day

My sister and I wanted something fresh today so we decided to head to Subway at the noontime lunch hour. (Actually, my sister just wanted to get more Scrabble game pieces for the sweepstakes that is going on at Subway right now, but that is just a side note.)

Anywho, as we were standing in line we got on the subject about how men misinterpret women at times. One simple smile from a girl and a guy thinks it's an open invitation. We were joking about how women have to put on a "mask" at times just to be left alone.

Well, we scooted on down the line towards the register and I looked away for a second to tell the guy what veggies I wanted and as I looked back to the register all I saw was my sister slightly bending over as if she'd just plucked something up off the ground. That was ALL the encouragement the man behind the register needed. The next thing I knew he was blabbing on his thank you's to my sister for catching a falling paper in midair and how good her reflexes were. Of course it didn't stop there...........

He continued on with how FAST she moved and how great she was. (At that point my sister was thinking to herself, "Where's my mask?!" HA!) We had just talked about this not 5 seconds earlier.

He raved on and on about how she saved him from walking around the counter to get the fallen piece of paper, and how he might not look old to the average eye, but he's 50 and he's been preserved by drugs and alcohol. HE SAID IT, not me! He was so appreciative for what my sister had done that he discounted her meal in a major way. (You couldn't help but see the twinkle in his glossy eyes.) Guess it pays off to have friends in "high" places cause I got my meal discounted too, just for being there, wink-wink.

The only fine print was that he told me that my sister and I needed to come back now. HA! I could only imagine my sisters face from behind me when he said that. Oh the things we do for Scrabble letters.

So much for the "masks"!

Since she and I both won some instant prizes I suppose we'll have to go back now.

I KNOW my sister certainly earned her discount today with those lightening speed reflexes of hers. Pahhhhh!

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