Sunday, January 4, 2009

Before the dance begins.......

Before you decide to dance in front of your bedroom window---make sure the blinds are SHUT.

I was in my room working on some pictures and such while listening to some music by Jesse Cook. He is a guitarist and his music just has a beat that you can't help but swing your hips to and throw your hands in the air. Well, as I was caught up in the moment, I was swaying to the tune (use your imagination) and as it has been rainy today it started to get a little dark in the room, so I decided to turn on my bedroom lights. Note to self---make sure the blinds are shut before turning the lights on. There I was doing my dancing thing and enjoying life when a small thought in the back of my head intruded my happy time. It said, "Judith Anne, are your blinds open.......?" I kind of got that inkling feeling that I wasn't quite alone and when I turned around, there crossing the street was some guy looking my way. Fabulous. I nonchalantly grabbed the chord for the blinds and closed them as though it was no big deal at all.

Yep, that's me. The entertainer.


Anonymous said...

I would pay to see that!!! :)

Judith Anne said...

I'm sure you would Earl, I'm sure you would.