Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Crossing Guard

This morning as I was contentedly dreaming of who knows what, I was suddenly awaken by my ringing cell phone. It was the phone call I'd been waiting for! The computerized call informed me that I was to log online and view the specific instructions that came with the subbing job for the day. As it was 5:15a.m I still had another 40 minutes before my alarm was to go off, and despite trying to get back to sleep I just couldn't. My curiosity was killing me! What were the "specific instructions" for the day.......what did it mean?! Did the teacher have a special needs student? Was it a rough crowd? Was I in for trouble?!

Needless to say, I couldn't handle it and jumped out of bed. I logged on the computer to see what these "special instructions" were. With great anticipation I clicked the highlighted section and up popped:

---Crossing guard duty---

What?! That's it? THAT was the big news? Pa-shaw.

Granted, I was a little nervous about toting the responsibilities of crossing guard. It's a position I've never had before at the schools but I looked at it as a "fun" challenge. The school day came and went and then it was my time to really shine. You think I kid, but that orange vest you have to wear could outshine the sun. So there I was, sportin' that orange vest and hauling that STOP sign above my head. Behold the power of the orange vest. (Ever so stylish.)

The power to stop traffic could definitely go to my head.

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