Monday, July 21, 2008

Poster Board

I was walking through a bookstore this weekend and as I was browsing some books on a lower shelf (on the main runway through the store) I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It appeared to be a pair of pointed shoes followed by some skinny ankles, and mind you it was in my peripheral vision, but from what I saw I thought it was one of those life-size human poster boards, like a pop-up. So as curiosity tugged at me, I began to raise my eyes from ground level, wondering which author was being promoted by a life-size cut out.

As I stole a glance in that direction it did NOT take me long to realize that it was no poster board cut out---indeed, it was a real person! She was very thin and had a good six inches on me, but it was like she was glued to the spot. Apparently she had been watching ME, because as I stood we made eye contact and I won't lie, it startled me! I think my mouth dropped open and a little "oh" escaped my lips. Here I was expecting to see a lifeless poster board, and in fact it was a real person just standing there. Talk about awkward. Even though it all happened within a matter of seconds, it seemed like she stared at me for an eternity.

I quickly and casually glanced away, deciding it was time to move on to a new section of books.

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