Thursday, June 18, 2009

Communion Crumble

Last Sunday morning we took communion in church. The dishes of bread and juice had all been passed out and the pastor was beginning the communion. As the congregation moved to partake in the eating of the bread, aka-the cracker, I placed my little tidbit into my mouth. I took a bite and was hit with that all too familiar communion cracker taste that I have come to enjoy, but before taking another chomp on my cracker my ears were picking up on something and I decided to pause and listen.

Have you ever heard it rain in church?

I have! I paused with the cracker in my mouth and sat there a moment and listened to my surroundings. I listened as a few hundred people chewed their cracker crumb all at the same time and it was the most amusing sound. Truly! It sounded like thousands of little raindrops were hitting the church roof!

I couldn't help but smile at the sound I was hearing and sheepishly looked over at my brother sitting next to me on my left and the lady on my right. I wanted to see if they noticed the pitter-patter sounds themselves but I seemed to be the only one.

Finding amusement in the least likely of things. :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hahaha!! I've done similar things as well .. finding amusement in the least likely of areas. Gotta love it though!