Monday, March 2, 2009

Dog-Gone Doughnut

What goes in, MUST come out.

One of my dogs decided to tear into the doughnut toy that has been in the backyard for months. I went out there a few days ago and all I found was half a rubber doughnut laying on the grass. It looked like a shark attack. It USED to be a squeaker toy. As I picked up the half eaten doughnut it didn't escape my attention that the squeaker was missing. Interesting.

I began scouring the backyard for anything that resembled pieces of brown doughnut and pink frosting with sprinkles. I came up empty at the time. The squeaker was MIA and I could only assume that it had been consumed by one of my mischievous girls. Someone had squeaked their last.

Needless to say, I have been finding remnants of doughnut that didn't quite digest in their system. (As though it could!) However, the squeaker has yet to...................pass.

Oh what joy is mine.

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