Saturday, March 14, 2009

En Vogue

Last Saturday we went out hiking around the South Mountain area to enjoy some fresh desert air and some pleasant surroundings. There were six of us out there hiking along the trails and we were having a grand ol' time on our way to Fat Mans Pass.

Fat Mans Pass is a skinny little crack betweeen two huge rocks that you must shimmey through in order to continue on down this particular trail. Well, we all made it and were going over the sandy trails when we came to one part of steep, slippery rock that we needed to slide down. It requires a low center of gravity (LCOG) and it is nothing new as we've done it numerous times over and over. Well, teh five of us had made it safely down the incline and my sister was the only one remaining up on top of the rock. We were standing around in a little circle chatting while we waited for her to make her decent. All I remember is looking up and seeing the next few seconds play by in slow motion. As I looked up to where my sister was on the rock I noticed her legs were spread apart over the rock as though she were posing for some magazine photo shoot. I remember thinking, "Wow, what is she doing? Why is she posing like that......?"

I soon realized she wasn't posing.........she was slipping down the rock ledge. It was like we were all glued to the spot and just stood there, watching her slip off the rock face. Talk about jaw drop. I think half the time I thought she knew what she was doing and meant to do it, while the other half thought this couldn't be right. My sister slid straight down the rock landed abruptly on her feet and tumbled onto the ground from the jolt and came to rest against another rock that stopped her from rolling. ALL WHILE FIVE OF US STOOD THERE AND WATCHED! What were we thinking?! Pahhhhhhh! We quickly rushed over to where she landed and stood around trying to figure out what we were supposed to do. I couldn't believe that none of us even tried to catch her on her way down or lend a hand. Some hiking buddies we are. LOL!

Glad to report that there were no serious damages. That was definitely a first for us all. I just couldn't figure out why my sister was posing on the rock! Pahhhhh!


Anonymous said...

You know I was just trying out my new pose for SI. Haha! That was definitely a slow motion moment for me too. Glad I could give everyone a laugh and come away with just a bruised elbow. :)

Judith Anne said...

Yes, lucky YOU! And here I thought you were a poser. Pahhhh!