Friday, March 27, 2009

House of Stone

The other night I was in my parents bedroom talking with my mom. You couldn't help but hear the wind outside blowin' something fierce. It was howling and making all kinds of creepy noises! Well, a few minutes later my dad and brother walked into the room. They heard what we were talking about and picked up on the conversation by adding their own comments. The next thing that popped out of my dad's mouth nearly left me speechless. As he was putzing around the bedroom he said, "This wind makes me wish I lived in a stone house. Or a cement house. Something strong that I KNOW wouldn't blow away." At that point my brother and I looked at each other with raised brows and a look that said---what did he just say?! My brother and I were thinking the exact same thing and he spoke for both of us when he popped back to Dad with the reply, "Dad, your house is built out of brick." (You know, just in case my dad had forgotten and needed a reminder............pahhhh!)

I'm pretty sure brick is just as strong as rock or cement. LOL!


T. Russell said...

oh man, sounds just like something he would say...tell him not to worry, his "bodyguard" will be there soon to protect him from that big, bad wind... do you remember he used to say something about me being a bodyguard?

Judith Anne said...

Oh my gosh! YES! I remember it well my dear. His BG for short as I recall it. Hilarious! Can't wait til the bodyguard gets here.... :)