Thursday, November 5, 2009


Today I headed home for my hour long lunchbreak and I was sitting on the loveseat with my legs crossed while my mom sat across from me on the couch. The little one year old fella she watches was hanging out beside me and I was entertaining him with some tricks that only amaze the youngest of audiences.

The lil fella wound up dropping one of the balls he was holding and as he bent his knees to pick it up his face collided with my foot. Mainly my big toe! His little chompers caught on my toe and I immediately jerked my foot out of the way. He wore a look on his face that said, "What was that?" and all I could do was laugh at the situation. Apparently he took my laughter as incentive to do it again and before I knew it he was coming open mouthed towards my toe AGAIN only this time it was on purpose! He thought it was a game to play.

I let out a yelp of frantic fright as I continued laughing (yes, imagine that) and quickly brought my feet up to the safety of the couch. He didn't give up at that. He came at me again only this time he went for me knee! You can imagine my frenzied fear of his lil chompers coming at me and all I could do was laugh and push myself as far as I could to the back of the couch as I tried to pull my knees up out of his way. I tell you, I was scared for my life but I was laughing so hard no sound was coming out and my eyes were scrunched up into little crinkles.

Mom was a huge help as she remained sitting on the couch laughing at the scene playing out before her eyes. It's okay though, I would've been laughing too had it been someone else in my shoes fearing for their life. HA!

Thankfully I was able to distract him with something else and that was the end of that "game".

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