Saturday, July 25, 2009

Before Samson & Delilah

I was reading my Bible last night before bed and I found something VERY interesting that made my mouth drop and my eyes get big in astonishment. Was I sleeping the last time I read this passage? How did I not see this before?! :O)

I was reading the story of Samson in the book of Judges. To be more specific, Chapter 14. It was telling the story of Samson and his first wife. During the week long wedding feast he told his companions (from his wife's village) a riddle. They were unable to come up with an answer and so threatened Samson's wife if she did not reveal the answer. She coaxed it out of Samson and told her people the answer to the riddle that had been plaguing them. As they puffed their chests with arrogance while telling Samson the answer, he replied back with:

"If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle."

He called her a cow!

Needless to say, that marriage did not last.


Ashley said...

Talk about SERIOUS injustice to the wife, calling her a cow!! Maybe THATS why 'some' of us are drawn towards namecalling our spouses .. it's in the bible? Should I hide this passage from Bryan?? Hmm ... LOL

Judith Anne said...

Name calling indeed! Needless to say, their marriage did not last. LOL!

Earl Burlington said...

Well that's good to know....... make sure and say no riddles at my wedding!! ;)

T. Russell said...

hahaha! Maybe that's God telling us we need to read the Bible more...I'm sure it's loaded with name calling and funny stories!

Judith Anne said...

Yes Mr. Burlington,there will be NO name calling at my wedding. Rest assured. (At least none dealing with farm animals.) LOL!

Lisa Messner said...

I love your post!! Hey, thanks for visiting my blog!! I was beginning to think no one was left in "blogger world" :o)Love you!!