Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wrist Action

I was just holding my head up with the use of my hand while gazing at the computer screen. All of a sudden I saw something flicker out of the corner of my eye. I looked out the window a few inches from my head and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I turned back to the computer and saw the flicker again......only this time I felt it too.

I looked at my wrist and watched as my pulse beat a rhythm, causing my skin to bulge AT LEAST a quarter of an inch, in and out, and THAT is what I saw out of the corner of my eye. It might not have been a neck twang like I normally get but it sure looked as if something was trying to break out from under my skin.

I'm surprised my stomach didn't break out in a tune all its own at the sight of it. LOL!

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