Monday, December 28, 2009

Rocking Around the Vending Machine

Yes, it's that time of day where I have finished all my work and find myself with nothing to do. So what do I do? I eat. I rummaged through my purse for some spare change and made my way to the vending machine in the breakroom. As I placed my coins in the slot I stood there staring through the smudged plexiglass at the merchandise trying to decide which salty fat chips I wanted to sink my teeth into. I finally made a decision and pushed the item number for my bag of chips and what do you think happened? The bag got stuck!

I knew what I had to do. I didn't want to leave the break room and come back because one of the guys had already seen me put my coins in and make my purchase and I'm sure they'd think it odd if I walked away with nothing but I also didn't want to have to show off my muscles in front of the guys. So.........I nonchalantly stood there, acting as though I had all the time in the world. Of course as I waited another guy walked through but after they finally cleared out I knew I could take action. I threw a glance over my shoulder just to be sure that no one was coming and set to rocking the machine to free my snared bag of chips. It only took a hard rock or two but as soon as my bag of chips fell to the bottom of the bin I heard a loud laugh come from behind me. I had been caught!

I couldn't help but laugh with her. I told her how I had waited for my most opportune moment to free my chips and what happens.............I still get caught using my muscles to rock the machine. LOL!

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