Monday, October 27, 2008

If Only He Knew

This morning on my way to work I was driving along when I saw a runner up ahead about a block or so. I could tell he was wearing gray sweat shorts and a gray shirt, but from my vantage point in my car coming from behind, it looked as though he was wearing a black pair of women's panties over his gray shorts. I kid you not. I didn't know what to think! I think my first thought was---who IS this guy?! I had to do a triple take.

As the distance between him and I diminished, I realized the "black panties" was actually just the outline of his black fanny pack bee-boppin against his backside. Unfortunately for him, his fanny pack is in the exact shape of a pair of women's panties.

If only he knew.


Kevin and Rachel said...

Yikes! Scary, dude... :)

Judith Anne said...

Very scary! We're never as cool as we "think" we are.........pahhhh!