Monday, February 1, 2010

Guilty by Evidence

I have to say Oreo's have got to be my most favorite cookie EVER. And I mean that. There is just something about those two crispy chocolate cookies squeezed together and melded together with a little cream. Mmmm!

As I was a ravenous fox this afternoon I grabbed the carton of Oreo's out of my lunchbox and opened them up. I've had them in my lunchbox for a few weeks now but despite the time they've spent in there they were still as fresh as ever. I sat at my desk and nibbled off a bite. I relished in the fact that my taste buds were having a party. It was bliss.

I walked into my sister's office with my second Oreo concealed in my hand and the first words out of her mouth were, "Have you had an Oreo recently?" My first thought was wondering how she knew but I'm no dummy and it didn't take me but a second to realize I must have left evidence on my face. True enough there was just enough chocolate crumbs smeared on my lip for her to make her assumption. Not only did I look like I had a few cavities growing on the side but I had some on my lip. Thank goodness my sister was the only one who saw that.


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