Friday, September 24, 2010

You Looking at Me

I am so embarrassed.

It is bad manners to stare and yet I feel like I have two unruly children who would rather do nothing than stare at our neighbors.

If our neighbors happen to be outside when I take the dogs out for a bathroom break their bad manners come to light. Two of our dogs will forget what they need to be focusing on and will stand at the edge of our grass and just stare at the neighbors. There are no wagging tails, no smiles on their faces, just two dogs that stand there on all fours and show a blank look while they stare at people.

I put myself in the neighbors shoes and wonder how I would feel knowing someone (or something) was staring at me. I think I'd feel rather awkward.

These two dogs in particular keep me on my toes and I am constantly trying to mend their bad habits.

I know I definitely didn't teach them this. I at least remain unseen when I am peeking through the blinds at the neighbors. LOL!

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