Saturday, May 22, 2010

Seek and You Will Find

The other day I was laying on the couch enjoying a good book when I reached for my bookmark to save my page. My hand came back empty and I was quite befuddled. My eyebrows shot up in confusion as I tried to figure out where my bookmark had gotten to. I quickly ran my hand around the top of the couch, as I was still laying down, feeling for it and searching for where it was hiding. All to no avail.

I then jumped off the couch and tore the cushions apart in search of my bookmark and yet I still found nothing. Confusion hit as I really had no idea what happened to my bookmark. It seemed as though it had vanished. I was clueless as to what happened to it.

About 10 minutes later as I was folding some laundry in the bedroom, I was still going on about where in the world that bookmark could have gotten to when my husband looked at me and said, "What is that?" I took note that he was looking directly at my chest and do you know what I found? (Other than those, LOL!) My bookmark! It was clinging to the inside of my shirt. Pahhhh!

I have no idea how it worked its way down my shirt or why I didn't feel it earlier but I was so happy to have my bookmark back. (My bookmark is 4 mini pictures of my husband and I.)

I just wanted to hold him close to my heart...................LOL!

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