Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How do you know?!

I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a school field trip today with a load of first graders. What fun it was! I wound up in the front row of the school bus sitting next to two little boys. You can only imagine how entertaining the conversation between first graders can be. Kids can be so funny without even trying. One of the boys next to me started talking about robots and I told teasingly told him, "What if I was a robot......" He looked at me skeptically and informed me with a raised brow that I was NOT a robot. I then asked him, "Well, how do you KNOW I'm not a robot?"

He replied back in a matter of fact voice, "You are NOT a robot because robots have square heads." (insert hand movement to show me a square shape with his hands.) You try keeping a straight face during that.

Well, at least I know I don't have a square head. Pahhhhhh!

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