Friday, February 25, 2011

How to Make an Entrance

Last week I found myself at the front gate to the San Diego Zoo. Along with 2 of my friends we planned on exploring all the zoo had to offer. I hadn't been to that particular zoo in over 20 years so I was rather excited as I walked up to the main entrance.

Upon purchasing my ticket I walked a few paces to the main gate as my friends followed behind me. I had no sooner walked through the entrance when I heard the amazing music playing that built suspense as to all the excitement that awaited for you throughout your trip around the zoo. With a silly smile on my face and my zoo map wide open in my hands I turned around to face my friends still entering the zoo and exclaimed how this reminded me of Disneyland.

No sooner had I said those words when I found myself stumbling into something behind me. My first thought was that I had backed into a senior citizen........truly, it was the first thing I pictured. I immediately swung myself around to try and catch myself and realized I had walked backwards into one of the metal poles connected by chains to guide people where to walk. My momentum was carrying me forward and I had no way to stop myself from falling. With a loud clatter from two metal poles and chains hitting the pavement I fell in slow motion to the ground with my left leg taking the brunt of the fall.

I sat up in a daze trying to figure out what had just happened as it all transpired rather quickly. Before I could blink my eyes the zoo employee that had just taken my ticket at the front gate rushed over to my side with her hand on her walkie talkie. I probably looked a little dazed as I was still trying to piece together what happened and get over my embarrassment from falling at the same time. She continued to ask me if I was okay and acted as though she were ready to call an EMT to the scene. I felt I had made enough of a scene and told her I was fine, truly. As I stood up I noticed all the people by the gift shop staring at me. Probably because I gave them a good show. They most likely couldn't tell whether I was having a seizure or a nervous breakdown, especially with the way I was laughing afterwards.

What a way to make an entrance. LOL!

Let that be a lesson to me never to walk anywhere backwards.

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